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How to Get Charges Dropped for Domestic Violence in Texas

By: Mark Diaz December 11, 2024 no comments

How to Get Charges Dropped for Domestic Violence in Texas

If you were recently arrested for domestic violence in Texas, one of the first questions you may have is, “How do I beat these charges?” In some cases, an arrest may be due to heightened emotions that carry over into poor judgment and physical acts of aggression. However, it is also common for domestic violence charges to be based upon misrepresentations or false allegations to gain leverage in other legal matters.

Regardless of the specific circumstances, once you have been arrested for a crime of family violence in Texas, your situation is critical. With criminal domestic violence, you could face imprisonment, fines, and many other sanctions.

Only a prosecutor can drop domestic violence charges in Texas, so options for fighting them will be two-fold: Contesting the allegations and presenting your own defenses. It is possible to develop solid legal strategies around each of these points, which could potentially lead to a dismissal or acquittal at trial. You can trust a League City domestic violence attorney to advise you on how to handle domestic violence charges in Texas, but a summary may be helpful.

Essential Elements of a Domestic Violence Crime

As with any other criminal offense in Texas, the prosecution must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt in order to obtain a conviction in a Texas domestic violence case. The specifics in a domestic violence criminal case are important in the context of fighting the charges. The essential elements of the offense align with the definition of family violence as it applies to general assault offenses, so you could be arrested if:

  1. You engage in an act against a person who is a member of your family or household. Depending on the circumstances, the definition could be expanded to include spouses, children, grandchildren, other blood relatives, and relatives by marriage. It also encompasses anyone with whom you are or were in a dating relationship or anyone who lives in your household with you.
  2. Your actions intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly caused another physical harm, or bodily injury.

The prosecutor has to establish both of these elements, each of which requires proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

Penalties For Family Violence Cases in Texas

The punishment for a conviction will depend upon the facts, but the charges may include:

Domestic Assault

Threats of harm or offensive contact could lead to an arrest for a Class C Misdemeanor, punishable by a maximum fine of $500. If the victim is hurt, Class A Misdemeanor charges likely apply and you could face up to a year in jail.

Note that domestic assault with injury becomes a Third-Degree Felony if you have a criminal history of similar offenses or your actions involved choking the accuser. A conviction could lead to a mandatory minimum of two and up to 10 years in prison, along with a $10,000 fine.

Aggravated Domestic Assault

When the attack causes serious bodily injury to your accuser or involves the use or showing of a deadly weapon, the charges are elevated to aggravated domestic assault. What constitutes “serious” harm will depend upon the facts, but will likely include broken bones, head trauma, and any injury requiring surgery or hospitalization. In addition to a firearm or knife, a “deadly” weapon might be any object capable of causing fatal or catastrophic bodily harm, and which was used in such a way.

The basic form of aggravated domestic assault is a Second-Degree Felony. The punishment range for this is no less than 2 years in prison and up to 20 years in prison. If aggravated domestic assault involves both a deadly weapon and serious bodily injury, the crime is a First-Degree Felony. The punishment range for a First-Degree Felony is 5-99 years in prison.

Continuous Violence 

A person can be arrested for continuous violence, a type of domestic assault, by committing two or more acts of domestic assault within a 12-month period. Keep in mind that it is not necessary that the previous case results in a conviction, and it is irrelevant whether the alleged victim is the same person. Continuous violence is a Third-Degree Felony punishable as described above.

Violation of Protective Orders 

If an accuser obtains a domestic violence protective order after an arrest for a crime involving family violence, there will be specific instructions prohibiting you from engaging in certain acts. This likely includes forbidding you from contacting the accuser, forbidding you from being at or near your home, or even forbidding you from speaking to your children even if they are not involved. It is likely that the court entered the order without input from you or maybe even without input from the accuser.

Nonetheless, it is still legally binding. A violation of a protective order, such as contacting or approaching the accuser, is a criminal offense. The basic form of the crime is a Class A Misdemeanor, but various levels of felony charges apply to repeated offenses.

Strategies for Defending Family Violence Charges

Considering the harsh penalties, collateral consequences, and implications for your rights, you must leverage all possible tactics to fight the charges. You will have opportunities to do so from the moment of your arrest, which is why retaining a League City domestic violence attorney is critical at the earliest possible stages. Your lawyer may implement a wide range of defense strategies depending on your case, so keep the following information in mind.

  • The prosecutor’s burden is a high one that can be challenging to meet. Because these cases involve close relationships and emotions, your accuser may not cooperate or agree to testify. Without this key fact, a good attorney will use this to your advantage.
  • Community supervision, which you may know as probation, may be an option in certain cases and such would allow you to avoid serving jail time for the crime.
  • Even if you cannot get the charges dropped, you may be able to work out a plea agreement with the prosecutor. By plea bargaining, you can reduce the charges, punishment, or both. This strategy may be important for getting felony charges down to a misdemeanor, when available.

What to do About Domestic Violence Charges

When you know that there are defenses and strategies for mitigating the consequences of domestic violence charges, it is clear you need a League City domestic violence lawyer on your side. Still, you need to set the right foundation so your attorney can leverage the best options for fighting the allegations. Some tips include:

  • Do not resist arrest, confront officers, or act in a belligerent manner when dealing with police. If you feel your rights are being violated by the police, the best strategy is always to comply and allow your attorney to fight it later in court.
  • Immediately exercise your constitutional rights to remain silent and consult with legal counsel. Always decline to answer questions posed by police, and do not offer additional information – even to profess your innocence.
  • Never attempt to communicate with your accuser in person or via phone, email, text, social media, or any other channels. Even if they invite the communication, and this happens quite frequently, you should avoid this as it usually is used against the person later.
  • Avoid going on social media entirely or, at minimum, do not post any information about the case.

Frequently Asked Questions About Domestic Violence Charges In Texas

What is domestic violence under Texas law?

Domestic violence in Texas is defined under Title 5, Chapter 22 of the Texas Penal Code. It includes domestic assault, aggravated domestic assault, and continuous violence against the family.

What constitutes domestic assault?

Domestic assault occurs when someone intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causes bodily injury to another person, including a family member, household member, or a current or former dating partner. It also includes threats of imminent harm and physical contact that the victim finds offensive or provocative.

What is aggravated domestic assault?

Aggravated domestic assault is a more severe charge that applies when serious bodily injury is inflicted or when the assailant uses or exhibits a deadly weapon during the assault.

What is continuous violence against the family?

This charge applies when an individual commits two or more domestic assaults within 12 months, regardless of whether the assaults resulted in an arrest or conviction.

What are the potential penalties for domestic violence in Texas?

Penalties vary based on the severity of the offense and the defendant’s criminal history. A first-time domestic assault charge without aggravating factors is typically classified as a Class A misdemeanor, which can result in up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $4,000. More severe charges, like aggravated assault, can lead to longer prison sentences and higher fines.

Can domestic violence charges be dropped?

While the victim can request to drop charges, the decision ultimately lies with the prosecutor. They may choose to proceed with the case if there is sufficient evidence.

What should I do if I’m falsely accused of domestic violence?

It’s crucial to seek legal representation immediately. An experienced attorney can help gather evidence, build a defense, and navigate the legal process.

How can a domestic violence conviction affect my life?

A conviction can lead to jail time, fines, a permanent criminal record, loss of gun ownership rights, and difficulties in securing employment or housing

Discuss Your Options with a League City Domestic Violence Attorney

When it comes to domestic violence charges in Texas, it is essential to have legal representation when you face jail time, fines, and limitations on your personal freedoms.

For more information, please contact Criminal Defense Attorney Mark Diaz to set up a free consultation. Individuals in Galveston County and Greater Houston can call (409) 515-6170 to reach a skilled League City domestic violence defense lawyer.

Mark Diaz & Associates is a Criminal Defense Law Firm in Galveston, Texas representing clients throughout Galveston, Chambers and Harris Counties including but not limited to Tiki Island, Jamaica Beach, Texas City, League City, Alvin, Algoa, Santa Fe, Hitchcock, La Marque, Bayou Vista, Bacliff, San Leon, Dickinson, Kemah, Bolivar Peninsula, Clear Lake Shores, and Friendswood.

(Updated 12/11/2024)

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