How Serious is Possession of Drug Paraphernalia in Texas?
Texas drug laws are extremely harsh when compared to other U.S. states, and this is true even when it comes to the physical devices and tangible items related to prohibited...
Why You Should Retain A Lawyer For Drug Paraphernalia Charges
Most people know that illegal drug possession is illegal in Texas. But it is just as against the law to possess drug paraphernalia, which includes many everyday household items. Learn...
What Items Are Considered Drug Paraphernalia in Texas?
It is against the law in Texas to possess, sell, or manufacture drug paraphernalia. This article includes many things. Being charged with possession of drug paraphernalia can often come with...
How to Get a Drug Paraphernalia Charge Dropped in Texas
Drug Paraphernalia Charges In Texas It is obvious that someone will face criminal charges for certain activities in connection with controlled substances, but you might be surprised to learn how...