What Changes Drug Charge From Drug Possession To Trafficking?
Whether you are arrested for drug possession or drug trafficking, it is a stressful and frightening experience. However, drug trafficking charges carry much more severe penalties, so it is essential...
Is Drug Trafficking In Texas Increasing?
Texas shares a 1,000-mile border with Mexico and has a high level of illegal drug activity in this area. Drug trafficking has increased in the United States for years, and...
When Does Drug Trafficking Become A Federal Crime
When someone is charged with drug trafficking, many assume it is a federal charge. Often, this is the case. However, many drug trafficking charges are tried at the state level...
How Does Law Enforcement Prove Drug Trafficking in Texas?
Police do not have the burden of proof in the same way as a prosecutor, but there are certain standards law enforcement must meet to arrest someone for drug trafficking...
Can You Be Charged For Selling Drugs In The Past?
It may not come as welcome news, but YES, due to Texas drug crimes law, you can be arrested for drug trafficking in Texas even if you engaged in the...
What are the Penalties for Drug Trafficking in Texas?
When you know that Texas has some of the toughest controlled substances laws in the U.S., you can guess the penalties for drug trafficking will be severe. The details depend...
How Different Is The Punishment For Drug Possession vs. Drug Trafficking?
Although public attitudes towards illicit drugs have softened in recent years, Texas still maintains some of the strictest anti-drug laws–and penalties–in the country. Even carrying a relatively small amount of...